sobota 1. októbra 2011

UR; The city in Mesopotamia

Ur, one of the cities in Mesopotamia, was a major city, and later the capital, of the Ancient Sumerian Empire. Ur was the world’s largest city. The city featured many amazing temples and tombs. Most well-known remain is the Great Ziggurat.
The ziggurat was built in the center of town. In its architectural form, size and technological aspects the ziggurat embodied and expressed the unified and unifying power of new social-historical structures. And also there is some artist painting which a boy is racing by on his way to school, someone milking a cow or making a basket. 
Cities usually had different social groups. Ur had three levels of society. At the top were the most powerful government officials, priests, and soldiers. The society's second level was made up of merchants, teachers, laborers, farmers, and craftsmen. At the bottom of the social scale were the slaves, who often had been captured during battle.

Typical god of Ur is a god of the moon which is called Sin or Nanna. He is commonly designated as En-zu, which means "lord of wisdom". During the period (c.2600-2400 BC) that Ur exercised a large measure of supremacy over the Euphrates valley, Sin was naturally regarded as the head of the pantheon.
Ur was importing elite goods from geographically distant places. These objects include precious metals which are all the more impressive considering the distance from which they traveled to reach Mesopotamia and Ur specifically.

piatok 23. septembra 2011

Did cooking make us human?

September 21th
Did cooking make us human?

The video, “Did cooking make us human?” showed how the foods affected human. Australopithecus spent most of times for eating because they usually ate fruits, which has not much calories in it. Every animals have their appropriate figure to survive and Australopithecus as well. However, 2.8 millions ago human changed to eat cooked food which brought lots of change. Typically, it was easier to digest and get more nutrients. Scientists had an experiment with a snake to figure out that the cooked food is easily to digest. They put raw meet and cooked meet to the snake and the result was the snake easily digested the cooked meet. In another experiment, row food and cooked food, cooked food brings more calories to burn and more calories to store. Cooked food gave more energy. The huge change of eating cooked food brought bigger brain to human than before so that human became more intelligent.